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Specialist Mental Health Mentor
What is Specialist Mentoring (MH) support and how will it benefit me?
A personal mentor who is a qualified professional
Regular weekly support
Understanding of your needs
Supporting you to succeed and achieve
Weekly improvements and progress
Practical support and strategies to help you maximise your strengths and improve on your weaknesses
Strategies for effective communication
Flexible support, adapting to your changing needs.
Teaching you clear strategies to help you overcome difficulties and achieve in life and the workplace
Personal development and skills for life
Professional, objective non-judgemental support
Areas they can help with:
Motivation and encouragement
Concentration and focus
Listen to problems
Strategies to overcome emotional barriers
Teaching of tools and techniques
Setting achievable goals and praising progress
Preparation and planning to avoid feeling overwhelmed and overcome procrastination
Breakdown tasks into achievable goals
Monitor risks and put in considered measures
Manage issues before they hinder performance
Effective decision making
Student-centred support
Emotional difficulties – listening, talking through problems, sign posting, offering practical advice and problem solving and finding solutions